

A Tribute to Professor Ernest de Regge, beloved Choir Master and Teacher, Ennis 1923-1958, Ennis 750 concert, black print on white glossy paper.


A Tribute to Professor Ernest de Regge, beloved Choir Master and Teacher, Ennis 1923-1958, Ennis 750 concert, includes a biography of de Regge, a photograph of the Pro-Cathedral Choir on 25th September, 1935, list of names of members of various choirs, the programme for the concert which includes a performance of Minuetto Grazioso, written by de Regge, an account of the childhood memories of Ghislaine de Regge of her father, family and Ennis in the late 40s and 50s, and extracts from Cameos of Historical Clare Musical Culture, Folk Music in Western Nations, French, German and Irish Melodies, Ireland’s Glorious Heritage, A Critical Survey (By E de Regge). The back of the programme features information on the Ennis Brass Band.

Margery Normile was a supervisor of a FAS Graphic Design course in 1990. In the years before the Celtic Tiger roared, FAS was a state agency with responsibility for assisting those seeking employment.

The Graphic Design course which produced this item and others in the Normile Collection was two years in duration and intended to provide skills to trainees and to aid their future employment. Most found good jobs afterwards. Items such as this one were designed as part of the training, to promote the events held to mark the 750th anniversary of the foundation of Ennis.

Margery Normile retained samples of the work produced by the course during Ennis 750 for posterity. She kept them in two homemade cardboard folders, one marked January to May 1990, and the other June to December 1990.

Ennis 750 celebrations began in January 1990 with cultural, artistic, sporting and other events scheduled throughout the year.

Collection: Ennis 750

Category: Communication Equipment

2021.0140 (6761)