

A4, colour, Clare Youth Service, outlining Clare Youth Service activities during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, April 2020.


A4, colour, Clare Youth Service, outlining Clare Youth Service activities during the Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic, April 2020, including Community Training Centre young people through online and one-to-one check-ins, Facebook activities such as photo competitions, weekly website newsletter and feel good Friday; CYS challenges, young people and workers competing weekly; Weekly Online Groups with out youth workers in Ennis, Shannon and Kilrush; includes contact details.

This poster was donated electronically by email following a public promotion for items that reflected the changes required to accommodate social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sending it by email allowed the Clare Youth Service and Clare Museum to maintain social distancing, required to combat the spread of the disease.

These electronic notices were printed in the Council’s print room to provide hard copies for the collection.

Collection: Clare Youth Service

Category: Communication Equipment

2020.0153 (5219)