Raffle tickets, book of
Book, raffle ticket book, 9 tickets remaining, in aid of church fund, Kilnamona, 1933.

Book, raffle ticket book, 9 tickets remaining with 10 counterfoils, first one without ticket unmarked. Seven yellow tickets and 2 green complementary tickets at the back. Each counterfoil is numbered, starting with No 15241 and includes dotted lines for details of who the ticket was bought by and sold from. Beneath the space for this information the following is printed: “All counterfoils, money and un-/sold tickets to be returned by St./Patrick’s Day (17th March, 1933)/to REV. WM. SCANLAN, P.P.,/St. Joseph’s, Kilnamona, Ennis,/County Clare, I.F.S.; MR. P./KEANE, Kilnamona, Secretary,/or any member of the Church Committee.” The top of each ticket is printed and entitled “PRIZE DRAWING/In aid of Fund for Re-Roofing of the Parish Church, Kilnamona.” Beneath the title are the list of prizes numbered 2 to 21 in two rows on either side fo the first prize, the whole reads: “First Prize/SILVER/TEA SET/Gift of/Miss J. Keatinge, N.T. 2. STATUE OF/THE LITTLE FLOWER (Gift of Mr. Peter O’Keeffe, Ennis)./3. A SET OF CHINA/(Gift of Mrs. T. McKey)./4. A FAT SHEEP/Gift of MRs. J. Galvin)./5. TRAVELLING VALISE (Gift of Mrs. Susan O’Keeffe)./6. A GENTLEMAN’S/UMBRELLA/(Gift of Mr. Byran O’Loughlin). 7. AN OVERMANTEL (Gift of Mrs. P. Ford)./8. CONGOLEUM SQUARE/(Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Spellissy,/Parnell St.)./9. A SACK OF/IRISH-MILLED FLOUR/(Gift of Mr. Owen Linnane,/Parnell St.)./10. A ONE-POUND NOTE (Gift of Miss B. Keatinge, N.T.)/11. A PICTURE OF ST./JOSEPH/(Gift of Mrs. J. J. Hegarty, N.T.)/12. CASE OF STAINLESS/CUTLERY/(Gift of Mrs. Pilkington, Gortmore)./13. A SUIT-LENGTH/(Irish Manufacture)/(Gift of Mrs. J. F. Keatinge)./14. A READING LAMP/(Gift of Mrs. J. Spellissy,/O’Connell St.)./15. A TRAVELLING RUG/(Gift of Mrs. G. Griffin)./16. A SACK OF/IRISH-MILLED FLOUR/(Gift of M. Quinn, Parnell St.)./17. A PAIR OF PICTURES/(Gift of Mrs. Miles Keane)./18. A VALUABLE CLOCK/(Gift of Mrs. D. O’Keeffe)./19. A FANCY CUSHION/(Gift of Messrs. Kennedy,/Bank Place)./20. A TOILET SET/(Gift of Mr. J. O’Loughlin,/Parnell St.)./21. A READING LAMP/(Gift of Mrs. John Hegarty).” Beneath the list of prizes is the following printed information and price of tickets to the left of this: “A COMPLETE SET OF THE WORKS OF CANON SHEEHAN (Gift of Father/Scanlan, P.P.) to be presented to the seller of the largest number of Tickets./DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE ON MARCH 19th, 1933 (Feast of St. Joseph, Patron/of Church). Winners will be notified promptly; also, list will be published in the/local Press./Tickets:/6d.”
Ticket book belonged to donor’s father, Patrick Keane, who was a member of the Mid-Clare Brigade during the War of Independence and secretary of the Church Committee who organised the prize draw.
Category: Ticket