Legal Statement
Document outlining the case between David Bourke, Plaintiff, and Charles Tavelle, Defendant, regarding the transport of a diving bell to Galway.

Document outlining the Plaintiffs case in a case between David Bourke (Plaintiff) and Charles Tavelle (Defendent); handwritten, undated, regarding the transportation of a diving bell from Kilrush to Galway.
The text reads:
‘The Plaintiffs Case/The Plaintiffs was in the defendants employment as carpenter for the last two years he told the plaintiff that he should go to Galway with a diving bell and other machinery, value to the amount of £160 and when in Galway that he the plaintiff would get employment for his life. The plaintiff on the 11th of December last went in defendants boat from the Quay at Kilrush to Galway and delivered the diving bell [illegible] Engineer there was refused employment. Simon Purtill will prove that the defendant employed the plaintiff and sent him to Galway with the diving bell and the defendant employed the plaintiff and sent him to Galway with the diving bell and the defendant told the plaintiff that he would get permanent employment when there. Witness is defendants boatman and brought plaintiffs tools to Galway will prove it was 21 days before plaintiff got his tools back and that plaintiff was refused employment in Galway Plaintiff had to walk home after delivering the diving bell and the other machinery safely to the Engineer. John Purtill/Michael Carrige will prove that the plaintiff delivered up the diving bell and was refused employment. Murty O’Neal will prove that the defendant acknowledged in his presence that he send the plaintiff to Galway and that he was sure that the plaintiff would get employment then and asked the plaintiff why he did not stop in Galway when he sent him there. Pat Rochford will prove that he was present when the defendants foreman (George Wyndham) ordered the plaintiff off to Galway saw the plaintiff and his tools in the boat and saw him leave the quay with the diving bell and machinery heard George Wyndham speak in a very abusive manner to the plaintiff and the boatman as they were not gone before the defendant would return home.’
Collection: Ellen D. Murphy
Category: Communication Equipment