Memorial card
Memorial Card for Major Willie Redmond MP.

A memorial card for Major Willie Redmond, MP for East Clare, killed in action with the Royal Irish Regiment on the western front on 7th June, 1917.
Major William Redmond MP (13 April 1861 – 7 June 1917) was born at Ballytrent, County Wexford. He was an Irish nationalist politician, and an MP for East Clare for the Irish Party.
His brother John Redmond was leader of the Irish Party which delivered Home Rule for Ireland on the eve of the outbreak of the First World War. Following the outbreak of the war, Willie joined the British Army and served as a Major in the 6th battalion, Royal Irish Regiment.
Redmond was killed in action at Messine Ridge, his death instigating the East Clare by-election which heralded the start of Eamon de Valera’s political career. His brother John died of natural causes in March 1918.
Although largely forgotten now, William Redmond’s death in the war generated more international headlines than that of any other politician who was killed other than Lord Kitchener.
The Redmond Memorial committee served to keep the memory of the Redmond brothers alive during the 1920s and the 1930s. This memorial card is part of that context. A memorial park opened in honour of Willie Redmond open in Wexford town in 1931.
Category: Funerary Equipment