Painting, featuring images associated with the transfer of money by emigrants back to Ireland in the 1940s, landscape, colour.
Painting, featuring images associated with the transfer of money by emigrants back to Ireland in the 1940s, landscape, colour.
Seán O’Shea worked in Ennis Post Office from 1946 to 1991. He commissioned this work to commemorate the young men and young women who left loving homes in Clare to work in the British war industries during the Second World War, a practice which continued for some years after the war ended. While in the post office, every Friday and Saturday from 9am to 7.30 pm the PO staff received remittances from these emigrants., Money orders were issued and delivered by messenger to payees. These were transmitted in Morse code or Sounders from the UK to Ireland.
Seán commissioned Clare artist Harry Guinnane from Ennis to paint this work to record and remember in a permanent way their contribution to our social history, a desire that had been with him for a long time.
He donated the painting to the museum so visitors and perhaps many returned emigrants may be assured of the appreciation of the people of Clare.
Category: Visual Representation