Saddle Quern
Saddle quern, dark brown stone, found on the beach at Kilmacreehy/Kilmacrehy church site.
Saddle quern, dark brown stone, found on the beach at Kilmacreehy/Kilmacrehy church site, concave on one side.
In February 1999, while investigating the medieval church site at Kilmacreehy, local historian Seán Spellissy found what he thought was a quern stone near the shoreline. Jim Higgins, the Galway City Heritage Officer, visited the site and confirmed the find as a “saddle” or “saddle back” quern stone.
The stone was recovered by Higgins and Spellissy and transferred to the Clare Museum in the summer of 2000.
Collection: National Monuments (Amendment) Act, 1994
Category: Tool/Implement